EZVasectomy® Easy Vasectomy® Online Reg
    No Scalpel • No Needle • No Suture
Easy Vasectomy Reversal® Online Reg
    ⇒ $2950, All Inclusive

Edina, MN     Orlando, FL

About 6500 Vasectomies & 1300 Reversals Performed



Beauty of No-Scalpel Vasectomy in Minnesota

Vasectomy is the surgical process of blocking the vas deferens (the tube that delivers the sperm from the testis to the penis) in order to prevent conception. It is the most popular form of male contraception in Minnesota and the United States. Each year, more than half million men worldwide choose to get a vasectomy. Since vasectomy simply interrupts the delivery of the sperm, it does not change hormonal function and sexual drive. Vasectomy has been proved to be free of known long term side effects, and Vasectomy is considered to be the safest and most reliable method of permanent male sterilization.

No Scalpel Vasectomy procedure was developed in the early 1970s in China. It is just as effective as traditional vasectomy. Almost 20 million No-Scalpel Vasectomies have been performed around the world. It has become more and more popular in the Minneapolis and St. Paul areas over the past decade, and no scalpel vasectomy becomes a minimal invasive office procedure.

As compared to conventional vasectomy, the beauty of no-scalpel vasectomy includes:

Categories: No scalpel vasectomy Vasectomy 
Tags: male contraception male sterilization Minneapolis No Scalpel Vasectomy No scalpel vasectomy mn Procedure ClinicVasectomy MinneapolisVasectomy MinnesotaVasectomy St. Paul