To schedule an appointment, call 888-992-0019. We have the front desk to schedule your appointment on most weekdays. If no one answers your phone, you leave us a message with your phone number on our voice mail.
We recommend calling us a few days or a week before you need to be seen. Follow up appointments should be made as soon as possible to make sure you have an appointment time most convenient for you. As always, if you need urgent care during office hours, give us a call and we will do our best to have you seen that day.
If you are a new patient, be sure to fill out the patient information form found in the Patient form section of our website, this will save you time in the office.
The information you need to bring to my appointment:
Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment. New patients should arrive at least 10 minutes earlier. Be sure to bring your current insurance card with you to each appointment. If you have the designated clinic or physician name on your insurance card, this means you need a referral. Please note that your payment will be due at the time of your appointment. Please notify the front desk of any insurance, phone number or address changes.
If you need to change or cancel an appointment, please call the office in advance, when possible. If you do not contact us regarding a cancellation, we charge a cancellation fee of $25.
Please bring the following to your scheduled appointment:
- Your insurance card
- A list of current prescription and/or over-the-counter medications you are taking (please include your dose and frequency)
- Pertinent information about your medical and surgical history
- Registration and history forms – available through the clinic website