Easy™ Vasectomy in Minnesota

We know you don’t like scalpels and needles, we know you don’t like multiple trips in order to have a vasectomy, and we know you don’t like to pay a lot of money for a vasectomy. So we developed the most convenient, affordable, and efficient system to help you to get the vasectomy done in a single trip.

Here is how it works.
(1) Initial consultations and post vasectomy follow ups are not required.
(2) Before scheduling a vasectomy:

  • Download the Vasectomy Handout, fill out the demographic form, and review the instructions, general information and consent. Bring the seven page vasectomy handout with you on the procedure day. You also review more information in vasectomy page,
  • Watch counseling video. Dr. Shu was personally trained by Dr. Stein, and he uses the same techniques that Dr. Stein uses.
  • Consider payments options. We bill your insurance or charge $640 for the cash patients.
  • Select a location: Edina or Shoreview.
  • You don’t need to buy an athletic supporter, we provide you with one for free.
  • The vasectomy procedure is done under local anesthesia within ten minutes, and you are able to drive home by yourself.

Easy™ Vasectomy is so easy, a single trip and 10 minutes procedure.

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