Monthly Archives: October 2017

Dr. Shu Participating in International Medical Mission in the Fifth Time | Minneapolis & St Paul

Minnesota physician Dr. Steven Shu, medical director of One Stop Medical Center, joins a group of doctors from the United States going to the Haiti in the last week of October, 2017 to provide free vasectomies for local residents. This is the fifth time that he has been part of an international vasectomy mission sponsored by the nonprofit organization, No Scalpel Vasectomy International Inc (NSVI).

The mission of NSVI is to promote and provide free No-Scalpel Vasectomy services worldwide, but especially in developing countries whose infrastructure and environmental resources are challenged by rapid population growth unchecked by established and/or effective family planning programs.

Over the past 14 years, Dr. Shu has been enjoying making his contributions to local communities. Since 2015, he has been focusing more on his international volunteer work in Philippines and Haiti. In 2017, he became a founding president of Medical Volunteers International (MVI,, a new non-profit organization for the Chinese American physicians dedicating the medical missions in the poorest countries around world.