The patients in Minneapolis and St Paul areas always wonder how Easy™ vasectomy is performed without a scalpel.
No-scalpel vasectomy instruments were developed in China in the mid-70’s and introduced into the United States in 1985. The refined techniques of no-scalpel vasectomy that minimize trauma, pain and complications. The introduction of no-scalpel vasectomy has successfully allayed many men’s fears with regard to the scalpel.
Dr. Shu uses two important No-scalpel vasectomy instruments to perform the procedure. A very pointy hemostat is used in three steps.
- First used to make an initial tiny opening into anesthetized skin by puncturing, then skin is spread to 0.5cm opening.
- Then used to spread all layers (the vas sheath) down to the vas tube.
- Finally, used to spread adherent tissue and blood vessels away from the vas under direct vision
A ring clamp is used to initially grab the vas and secure it during the procedure.